Tuesday 21 January 2014

❤ 2013 Summer Caravan ~ 夏季攝影會巡迴限定 10th Anniversary Wonderland Band Rilakkuma ❤

ღ This is the only caravan Rilakkuma that I debate so hard whether to get him...Honestly I've no idea what the writer is trying to come up with? But somehow I feel that I will regret if I didn't get him though the teeth really left me speechless...

Perhaps it's fated, or rather this Gege really wanted to come home with me!! 
I saw it selling at ¥1,200, ¥300 lower than the retail price@ @
Keke I faster grabbed the deal and brought him home :)

It is weird... now that I find him getting cuter and cuter each day.. 
Exposing his bunny teeth, greeting me with a smile everyday:) 

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