Thursday 31 October 2013

❤ 2011 "I LOVE Rilakkuma" from Japan Rilakkuma Store ❤

   haha! Korilakkuma BIGGER than Rilakkuma  

ღ After 2 long years, they finally reunite!!! Tears....
Don't you think MeiMei looks happier and sweeter in the last picture? Hehe... ღ
(Updated in Oct, 2013)

Wednesday 23 October 2013

❤ 2013 Japan San X Store Limited Edition Rilakkuma Korilakkuma Kiiroitori in the Year of Snake 已 ❤

ღ Released in 2013, the Year of Snake (已)
Seems like the main focus is place on fortune $$
The snake with Kiiriotori is getting suffocated..
he didn't leave any space for it!!! LOL.. ღ

Saturday 19 October 2013

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma's High Tea Time with Sakura Latte & Swissrolls ❤

ღ Released in March 2013
So many @@s ღ

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Happy Hours with Usagi Rilakkuma Korilakkuma Kiiroitori Mascots ❤

ღ Released in May 2013
Lol at the little train's pouty red lips
Look! She just planted a kiss on Korilakkuma!! ღ

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma Happy Picnic Mascots ❤

ღ Released in March 2013
All of them looks so excited on a fun field trip:) ღ

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Summer Aloha Rilakkuma Korilakkuma Kiiroitori Mascot ❤

ღ Released in April 2013
Kiiroitori looks Like a wealthy tourist here. LOL:) ღ

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub 10th Anniversary Prince Rilakkuma Riding Horse Solar ❤

Released in Aug 2013
Will be nice if they release Korilakkuma & Kiiroitori too.. ღ

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma Aloha Theme Solar ❤

ღ Released in May 2013
They look so cute & clumsy at the same time!! ღ

❤ 2012 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma Bathtime Theme Solar ❤

ღ Released in Oct 2012
shy shy.. keke ღ

❤ 2011 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma Coffee x Chocolate Theme Solar ❤

ღ Released in Nov 2011
Nearly gave up hope on getting Rilakkuma to complete the set
Got our Korilakkuma at arcade at super high cost since we don't have the skill & luck..
As a result we left without getting gege.. T_T
After 1 year plus of search, we manage to buy from a online seller at a reasonable price
Super duper happy!!!! ღ

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma GOHAN (ご飯) Theme Solar ❤

ღ Released in March 2013
They looked so contented with just white rice & egg ღ

❤ 2011 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma Music Theme Solar ❤

ღ Released in June 2011
Though the design was quite plain, both of them looks Really enjoying while waving left & right ღ

Sunday 13 October 2013

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma' Spring Cleaning Day Theme ❤

ღ Released in Feb 2013
Someone is obviously "eating snake".. ღ

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma Summer Hawaii Aloha Theme ❤

ღ Released in April 2013
Korilakkuma:  Wei!! U 2 can standardize the direction?
I better not follow any of u!! (place both hands on tummy )
Rilakkuma with guitar: zzzZzzZz

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma Wagara (和柄) Theme ❤

ღ Released in May 2013
Not attracted to this set's Rilakkuma so didnt collect
Korilakkuma looks so cute even just with a simple sling pouch:)
Can Really put coins into big korilakkuma's pouch 
But small korilakkuma's one is sealed><"

❤ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub 10th Anniversary Rilakkuma Wonderful Band ❤

ღ Released in July 2013
Seriously, how many sets of 10th anniversary themed plush are they gonna release?!
Once again, unable to resist their cuteness no matter how many times I told myself not to fall for them!><

♥ 2012 Japan San X DaraDara Sailor Rilakkuma & Korilakkuma ♥

ღ Released in May 2012
Having a hard time looking for Rilakkuma to complete
as Japan has stopped production on this series
The sibling looks best when they are together.
Love the way Rilakkuma always looking at Korilakkuma affectionately. ღ

♥ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma's Snacks Time ♥

ღ Released in May 2013
A rare expression on Korilakkuma :) ღ

♥ 2013 Japan San X FANSclub Rilakkuma Tamago Theme ♥

ღ Released in January 2013 by FANSclub 
The saucepan looks Like magnifying glass.. keke
and the other 3 looks like they are playing spinning cups:) ღ

♥ 2012 Japan San X Rilakkuma TAMAGO Theme ♥

ღ Released in October 2012
Somehow the egg that Korilakkuma is holding looks more Like a Ping Pong ball -.-" ღ

♥ 2013 Japan San X Rilakkuma Aloha Theme ♥

 ღ Released in February 2013
I must say this: 
Alot of accessories were included in this series.
The coconut tree & slippers are so very cute ^^
Korilakkuma looks so sweet in the pink dress. ღ

♥ 2012 Japan San X Rilakkuma's Bath Time Theme ♥

ღ Released in July 2012
They look extremely cute in foams, shower caps, sponge and bath toys. ღ

♥ 2011 Japan San X Rilakkuma SWEETS Theme ♥

ღ Released in December 2011
One handsome prince,
 One pretty princess
 and one....
Round ball!! Haha.. ღ

❤ 2011 Japan San X Rilakkuma Korilakkuma Kiiroitori Cafe Chocolate & Coffee ❤ Theme

ღ Though this series was released quite some time back,
I just owned mine few months ago T.T
Each keychain comes with 4 normal coffee beans & 1 Rilakkuma shaped bean:)
Very often,  San-X will leave you in awe with their product designs..
And this is the time when we discover a big hole in our pockets.. ღ 

♥ 2011 Japan San X Rilakkuma Chocolate & Coffee Theme ♥

ღ Released in November 2011
Both costumes and chocolates are detachable 
Funny thing is that you need to keep on adjusting the costume of Kiiroitori, if not he will be covered with furs.. ^^ ღ